14 research outputs found

    REISCH: incorporating lightweight and reliable algorithms into healthcare applications of WSNs

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    Healthcare institutions require advanced technology to collect patients' data accurately and continuously. The tradition technologies still suffer from two problems: performance and security efficiency. The existing research has serious drawbacks when using public-key mechanisms such as digital signature algorithms. In this paper, we propose Reliable and Efficient Integrity Scheme for Data Collection in HWSN (REISCH) to alleviate these problems by using secure and lightweight signature algorithms. The results of the performance analysis indicate that our scheme provides high efficiency in data integration between sensors and server (saves more than 24% of alive sensors compared to traditional algorithms). Additionally, we use Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA) to validate the security procedures in our scheme. Security analysis results confirm that REISCH is safe against some well-known attacks

    Efficient and Secure ECDSA Algorithm and its Applications: A Survey

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    Public-key cryptography algorithms, especially elliptic curve cryptography (ECC)and elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) have been attracting attention frommany researchers in different institutions because these algorithms provide security andhigh performance when being used in many areas such as electronic-healthcare, electronicbanking,electronic-commerce, electronic-vehicular, and electronic-governance. These algorithmsheighten security against various attacks and the same time improve performanceto obtain efficiencies (time, memory, reduced computation complexity, and energy saving)in an environment of constrained source and large systems. This paper presents detailedand a comprehensive survey of an update of the ECDSA algorithm in terms of performance,security, and applications

    Efficient and secure ECDSA algorithm and its applications: a survey

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    Public-key cryptography algorithms, especially elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) and elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) have been attracting attention from many researchers in different institutions because these algorithms provide security and high performance when being used in many areas such as electronic-healthcare, electronic-banking, electronic-commerce, electronic-vehicular, and electronic-governance. These algorithms heighten security against various attacks and the same time improve performance to obtain efficiencies (time, memory, reduced computation complexity, and energy saving) in an environment of constrained source and large systems. This paper presents detailed and a comprehensive survey of an update of the ECDSA algorithm in terms of performance, security, and applications

    Implication of Lightweight and Robust Hash Function to Support Key Exchange in Health Sensor Networks

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    Internet of Things (IoT) applications are critical for the fast delivery of health information/data in different environments. The wireless sensor network (WSN) can be used within IoT applications to collect this information in the electronic-health sector. However, the essential drawback of WSN and health applications is ensuring that patient and healthcare provider data/information is protected. In addition, exchanging keys and joining the network is the first/most important line of defense to protect health information. Amid all this, the previous search has introduced many key exchange protocols but still suffers from security and performance issues for WSNs and user devices. In this research, we propose a new protocol for exchanging keys and joining the network using security algorithms that are Elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH) and QUARK hash (qh). We focused on applying lightweight and high-security techniques to reduce the burden on WSN resources, by adopting a solid methodological approach to support security first and performance second. The security analysis is simulated with the Scyther tool, and the results indicate that our protocol is able to block key exchange attacks known in the existing research. Furthermore, we carried out a comparison with the results of the recent search in terms of performance, our protocol provides better performance results than the results of the existing search

    Implication of Lightweight and Robust Hash Function to Support Key Exchange in Health Sensor Networks

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    Internet of Things (IoT) applications are critical for the fast delivery of health information/data in different environments. The wireless sensor network (WSN) can be used within IoT applications to collect this information in the electronic-health sector. However, the essential drawback of WSN and health applications is ensuring that patient and healthcare provider data/information is protected. In addition, exchanging keys and joining the network is the first/most important line of defense to protect health information. Amid all this, the previous search has introduced many key exchange protocols but still suffers from security and performance issues for WSNs and user devices. In this research, we propose a new protocol for exchanging keys and joining the network using security algorithms that are Elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH) and QUARK hash (qh). We focused on applying lightweight and high-security techniques to reduce the burden on WSN resources, by adopting a solid methodological approach to support security first and performance second. The security analysis is simulated with the Scyther tool, and the results indicate that our protocol is able to block key exchange attacks known in the existing research. Furthermore, we carried out a comparison with the results of the recent search in terms of performance, our protocol provides better performance results than the results of the existing search

    Utilizing Trusted Lightweight Ciphers to Support Electronic-Commerce Transaction Cryptography

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    Electronic-commerce (e-commerce) has become a provider of distinctive services to individuals and companies due to the speed and flexibility of transferring orders and completing commercial deals across far and different places. However, due to the increasing attacks on penetrating transaction information or tampering with e-commerce requests, the interest in protecting this information and hiding it from tamperers has become extremely important. In addition, hacking these deals can cause a huge waste of money and resources. Moreover, large numbers of connected and disconnected networks can cause significant disruption to the built-in security measures. In this paper, we propose to design a protocol to protect transaction information based on ElGamal, advanced encryption standard (AES) and Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) techniques. In addition, our protocol ensures providing scalability with high-performance security measures. We combine these algorithms with a robust methodology that supports the balance of performance and security of the proposed protocol. An analysis of our results proves that our protocol is superior to existing security protocols

    Incorporating security into electronic health records based healthcare systems with wireless sensor networks

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    The potential for applying electronic health record (EHR), electronic medical record (EMR) and healthcare wireless sensor network (HWSN) in the healthcare (HC) industry is tremendous and boundless. However, the security and privacy issues of HC data must be addressed with great caution and as must accessibility. EHR system security and privacy are related to the confidentiality of protected health information (PHI), the integrity of EMR data and the authentication/authorisation of users. Furthermore, EHR data is collected and communicated between different users and patients' health data is shared within a system. Working towards a solution, we have designed a secure and efficient HC application that integrates wireless sensor network (WSN) technology with EMR/EHR technology. First, the general architecture of the HC application system is proposed and then an EMR/EHR repository is described. The novelties of our approach include the introduction of the WSN's application to automatically collect patients' physiological information/data and securely store them as EMR/EHR records in the repository, making the EMR/EHR system more efficient. Second, a number of efficient security technologies including authentication and users' authorisation, and security protocols such as Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML), have been adopted, modified or designed in our proposed HC application. Thus, security of HC application has been significantly improved and, as a consequence, the patients' privacy has been addressed. Throughout this study, we have deepened our understanding of the security requirements in HC applications and appreciated the important role played by the latest wireless networking and sensing technology in achieving the security objectives in the modern HC industry. The results of this study include a framework for building secure and efficient HC applications, accompanied by a set of protocols which enable the auto-collection and secure transmission of patients' health and medical information. In addition, we offer two schemes: an authentication scheme for protecting users' identities and privacy and an authorisation scheme for user's differentiated access control (AC) or privileges to the patients' health and/or medical records. These schemes have been theoretically verified